There are two types of a wise:
The external wise one is an individual who behaves well, follows strong moral and ethical principles and uses their wisdom in everyday life.
Gambling Do We Need It?
Do you want to marry a gambler? I may start with a question that seems funny, but I believe that I will get a “No” answer from most people. Most people do not like seeing others, misfortunes.
A hungry dog had only gruel enough for seven days. On the 8 th day he wanted to eat rice. He then had rice for seven days.
The Ten Ways to accrue Merits can be summarized into Three Simple Ways
Generosity helps to dissolves our stinginess, or our unwillingness to help others
The Noble Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering # 5
Attaining the body in the body brings inestimable benefit to our lives vecause it is the means by which we can overcome the defilements
Ways to Show Respect to Worthy Pnes
Physical Respect Regardless of whether we are sitting, walking, or sleeping, we should pay respect when being in front of images or statues representing those worthy of respect
Being Happy to Give and Forgive
To be happy to give and forgive, we may start by giving happiness to ourselves. We can do it in a simple way by telling ourselves every morning right after we get up, “I will be happy today.”
Core Value#2: Welfare work is necessary
In our society there are many underpriviledged groups who because of various circumstances, whether it be handicap, illness or age, cannot help themselves out of their predicament.
Core Value # 6: There is life after death
This core value surmises the continuity of life after death. Life does not simply cease when we die. Only the physical body will decompose, but our spirit will comtinue its journey. This view is shared in one way or another by nearly every form of organized religion.
Learning To Be Learned
Our life is surrounded by misery and decay appearing together since our birth, that we are distasteful towards. The things we prefer are happiness and the ability to progress in life.